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106th Annual Meeting Registration Now Available

Agricultural Council of California invites you to save the date for our 106th Annual Meeting to be held from March 17 - 19, 2025.

The event will be held in Napa, California, at the Meritage Resort & Spa. Registration for the event is now open.

Ag Council and CoBank have secured reduced room rates of $329 plus a $20 resort fee and tax for attendees. Click here to secure your room reservations for the event.

For more information please contact Jacob DeFant at jacob@agcouncil.org or call (916) 443-4887.

Sponsorship Opportunities

2025 Annual Meeting Sponsors

Our sponsors play a crucial role in helping us deliver the highest quality meeting possible for attendees and a memorable golf experience for our players. Click the button below for detailed information on how you can become a sponsor at our 106th Annual Meeting.



2025 Golf Tournament Sponsors

The golf tournament serves as a fundraiser for Ag Council’s PAC, aiming to provide our members with both a social opportunity and the ability to support our PAC, as it is imperative we maintain a well-funded PAC to remain a strong voice in Sacramento.



2025 Golf Tournament & PAC Fundraiser

March 17, 2025

Eagle Vines Golf Club
American Canyon, California
7:00 a.m. Breakfast
8:00 a.m. Shotgun Start

Eagle Vines Vineyards and Golf Club is the premiere Napa Valley golf course situated in the foothills with vineyard views in every direction. Eagle Vines Golf Club is the perfect blend of a first-rate facility highlighted by a challenging golf course tucked into the beautiful landscape of the Napa Valley.

105th Annual Meeting Recap

Agricultural Council of California held a successful 105th Annual Meeting in March 2024.

The event was held in Carlsbad, California, at the Omni La Costa Resort & Spa in conjuction with CoBank’s PacWest Customer Meeting.

We thank all who participated at the meeting and golf tournament. We also appreciate our generous sponsors. The program is archived here.


L-R: Ag Council Board Chair & Sun-Maid grower Darren Hoff, California Cultivator Award recipient and DFA dairy producer Melvin Medeiros, and Ag Council President Emily Rooney