Cal/OSHA recently developed workplace violence regulations and released guidance documents to assist employers in complying with SB 553 (Cortese), which was signed into law by Governor Newsom in 2023.

The law mandates employers to create and implement a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan that is written and accessible as part of the employer’s Injury and Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP) required under current law.

Compliance Date
The workplace violence requirements are in effect and enforceable by Cal/OHSA beginning July 1, 2024.

An exemption is provided in the statute for employers with less than 10 employees where the location is not accessible to the public, if the place of employment is in compliance with IIPP standards as required under existing law. In addition, employees who telework from their choice of location are not subject to the law if the location is not under the control of the employer.

Guidance for Employers
Cal/OSHA released guidance, educational materials, model plans, and posted responses to frequently asked questions to assist employers with compliance. Please click HERE to access the resources on Cal/OSHA’s website.